Monday, April 5, 2010

Madison's Prognosis

Madison Lynne Haymond was born on Saturday morning (April 3rd, 2010) at 11:13am. She was 7lbs. 6oz. and 19 inches long. It was such an amazing and joyous moment and Amber & I were were so extremely happy. As we waited for the nurses to clean off Maddy we saw a there was some frantic looks on their faces. Maddy was having trouble catching her breathe and as they cleared her mouth they felt a hole on the roof (or hard pallet) of her mouth. They thought she was ok and they let me walk Madison over to Amber who was waiting in her bed. Amber got to hold her for a minute or two before we noticed Maddy losing her color and her lips turning blue. They whisked Maddy away to NICU and I went with them.
Once we arrived in the NICU the nurses and Dr.'s worked to ensure they could get her to breathe on her own and asked me to leave so they could get her in a good place. While I was gone Amber's Father Brad gave Amber a blessing with the help of my Dad Brent. I came back and updated our family on the situation and at this time we knew that Madison was born with a cleft pallet. I went back to the NICU with Madison's 3 grandfathers and gave her a blessing.
After things started to slow down (and after Amber got the feeling back in her legs) Amber & I went down to the NICU and spent the evening with our precious little girl.
On Day 2 We started hearing about an issue Madison may have called pierre robin sequence. This is when the chin is recessed which effects her breathing because the tongue is set back and falls back and block her air way, this requires Madison to always be on her side on tummy but never on her back. We spent the day with our family & friends and were patiently waiting to meet with the surgeon on Monday so we could get some real answers and real solutions about things like, when can she come home, when can she get surgery and what will her life be like?? The major issue we ran into on Sunday was that we tried to feed her by mouth but right away the liquid came shooting out her nose which caused her to need a feeding tube in her nose. We also knew she wouldn't be able to come home until she could eat by mouth. Kennedy also finally got to see her little sister but it was sad because she had to do it through a window.
Monday Came along and we saw Maddy be able to eat by mouth with it shooting out of her nose which was a fantastic sign. When then met with the Surgeon Dr. Motoki. He examined her and told us that yes she has a cleft pallet (but NO cleft lip!!) and that she may have the pierre robin sequence. He said that surgery was still 9-12 months away but that as soon as she leaves St. Marks she will meet with her team of Doc's at Primary Children Hospital. He also said that before she can go home Maddy will need to be able to eat on her own by mouth with out any issues and as soon as that happens she is COMING HOME! this may take a week or 2 but we will get there. He also said she will probably need a speech therapist, orthodontist, and maybe jaw surgery and possible ear issues. but this is all down the road. ONE STEP AT A TIME. Amber and I are glad to have some answers and we are so grateful for all the support our friends and family have shown. Keep us in your prayers and we will keep this blog updated. Thanks again.


  1. Eric & Amber,

    We can't wait to meet your sweet little Maddy! She is adorable and has come to such amazing parents. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. We are 1/2 a mile from the hospital you know!!!

  2. Oh Amber (and Eric!) I'm sorry! Yes, I know it could be worse (I like to think of how much worse, it makes me feel better-that's one of my tricks to make me think I have it good when I'm going through something!) but that doesn't mean you aren't going through a VERY hard time right now! It's terrible when something is wrong with your baby and you can't do anything about it! I talked with Kay this morning and found out a little and now I found this blog and you had me crying...I remember those feelings of helplessness... I hope the blessing you got (and hopefully you guys keep getting) will help you feel better! She is adorable and I want to see her and you so bad! I want to give you a hug! My friend is a respiratory therapist at St Mark's and he might get to work with Madison in the NICU-I left him a message this morning and told him to take extra special care of her and if he sees you to give you a hug for me! So if you see some random guy (Kyle Stocking) come give you a hug, you'll know it's from me! ;) I don't think he'll dare to hug you but he might... lol Take care! Ask all the questions you need, the nurses and doctors will help you all they can. Miss you! Praying for you guys! Love you! ape

  3. Glad to hear good news. The NICU isn't the funnest place, but sucha rewarding place. We will continue to pray for you guys and sweet Maddison. We love you.

  4. Glad to hear you are in good hands. I am praying for you guys. Love you tons!! Keep us posted on her progress.

  5. I just heard about your darling little Madison. Your blog made me cry cuz it breaks my heart that you have this trial in your life. Your baby is adorable and she is in good hands. It is amazing what they can do these days for medical complications. Eric, take care of yourself as well. I heard that Amber and the baby got a priesthood blessing but you may need one also. Your Heavenly Father is aware of your situation and will look after you all. We love you guys and hope all goes well for little Madison. take care and thanks for the update.
